
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Dawkins Delusion

One of the best known proponents of scientific materialism in recent times has been Professor Richard Dawkins. He has written several books expounding his mechanistic theories, the best known being The Blind Watchmaker where he argues that the theory of evolution supposedly reveals a universe without design, and The God Delusion which attempts to attack and debunk religion and the ‘irrationality’ of a belief in God. Whilst his criticism of religious superstition and views on the concept of evolution may have some merit, it does not follow that his analysis necessarily reflects either physical or spiritual reality. This vocal high priest of mechanistic rationalism has attracted a lot of attention over the years which, alas, has been largely favourable, due primarily to the failure of organised religion to expound any credible guidance on the likely nature of spiritual reality and the afterlife. Many of his books have been bestsellers. Some years ago in the Channel 4 programme