Spiritual reality

Welcome to this new blog which aims to explore and explain the unseen spiritual reality which underpins our life on Earth. It will seek to promote the most credible answers to the mystery of existence and the nature of our spiritual inheritance.

Most people are wedded to the beliefs of either scientific materialism or religious superstition, and give hardly any thought to challenging the ingrained assumptions which they have unreflectively absorbed from an early age. There is only minimal discussion about religious matters in our society, and what there is, is largely confined to repeating well established, but flawed, orthodoxies. As a consequence the vast majority of people are kept in the dark about their true spiritual nature and, as we have seen in the recent covid pandemic, as a result are reluctant to contemplate the approach of their own feared demise. The evidence gathered by this blog may offer them some comforting reassurance on their eventual fate.

The following sources will be consulted:-

1. Four books authored by Yogi Ramacharaka, namely the Fourteen Lessons in Yogi Philosophy, the Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy, Raja Yoga and Gnani Yoga. These are published by the Yogi Publication Society and have been in continuous print since the early 20th century.

2. The series of books channelled by Anthony Borgia beginning with Life In The World Unseen. These provide the most detailed guide to life in the spirit realms and have been dictated by the former Catholic priest Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson. All are available on the internet;

3. The ‘Padgett Messages’ which communicate the truth about the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. These correct the often distorted and erroneous accounts given in the Gospels, and additionally provide a platform for many of the Apostles, together with important persons of religious and historical significance, to provide the world with their spiritual insights. These messages are under the custody of two ‘New Birth’ churches in the USA, and are available on the internet.

Other sources may be referred to as considered necessary. Between them the above publications provide all the evidence and information required to reach an accurate and comprehensive knowledge of spiritual reality, a subject that will be explored, analysed and revealed in future posts.

As these sources are relatively little known by the general public, many will ask why they should be regarded as the repository of truth, rather than the far more widely accepted beliefs of established religion and the pronouncements of scientific research. The answer is that in their consideration of spiritual reality they are much more credible, as they are based on an understanding of natural phenomena, rather than superstition or a fixation with an exclusively material universe. A majority viewpoint is not necessarily a guarantee of truth, as witnessed by the research of Copernicus who concluded that the earth revolved around the sun rather than the other way round, contrary to the teachings of both religion and science of his time.

We live in a conformist, groupthink and confirmation bias society; so many people will be highly resistant to having their cherished religious or scientific beliefs challenged. Established religion may continue to promote superstition, and science can cling to its materialistic delusion, but neither of these two widely held misconceptions can change either physical or spiritual reality. So the best way to arrive at the truth is to keep an open mind, whilst retaining control of one’s critical faculties.
