Further evidence for the spirit body

Both Arthur Findlay, who has written several books about spiritualism, and Yogi Ramacharaka, the author of the course on Yogi Philosophy, have provided further evidence for the existence of the spirit body.

Arthur Findlay’s book The Way of Life provides numerous reports from inhabitants of the spirit world about their way of life. They are taken from demonstrations of mediumship by the direct voice medium, John Sloan over a period of forty years. Sloan was a brilliant medium who offered his mediumistic gifts without payment. Arthur Findlay describes him as possessing ‘intelligence and general knowledge of an average artisan, a man of high character who was indifferent to money’. Throughout his book Findlay refers to the spirit body as the etheric body.

The first inhabitant of the spirit world describes his body thus ‘I have a body which is a duplicate of what I had on earth, the same hands, legs and feet and they move the same as yours do. This etheric body I had on earth interpenetrated the physical body. The etheric is the real body and an exact duplicate of our earth body. At death we just emerge from our flesh covering and continue our life in the etheric world, functioning by means of the etheric body just as we functioned on earth in the physical body. The etheric body is just as substantial to us now, as the physical body was to us when we lived on earth’.

Another inhabitant confirms that the spirit world is in close proximity to the earth world in these words ‘the etheric world is about and around you and, at death, when you discard your physical body, you are in the etheric world without having to travel any distance to get there. Your physical body covers your etheric body. Any deformities you have will be corrected here’. Those who enter the spirit world in old age will revert to the appearance of their youth as described by this inhabitant ‘ When you come here, you find yourself possessed of a body, almost a replica of what you left behind, only younger looking, although not immediately’.

Yogi Ramacharaka in his course on Yogi Philosophy describes the spirit body as ‘the exact counterpart of the physical body, but is composed of a finer quality of matter, connected to it by a bright silvery thread, looking something like a large bit of a spider-web’.

This concludes the section of providing evidence for the existence of the spirit body which has been confirmed beyond doubt by the testimony of the numerous witnesses outlined above and previously, and is not dependent on either speculation or religious faith.


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