Monsignor Benson explains the role of the spirit body.
Monsignor Benson from the spirit world has provided a detailed account of the role of the spirit body as follows:-
“The average person does not know of what he himself is composed. He knows he has a physical body, of course. There are not many who can easily forget it! But leaving the earth in the common act of 'dying' is a perfectly natural and normal process, which has been going on continuously, without intermission, for thousands upon thousands of earthly years.
It is commonly understood that man is composed of body, soul, and spirit. The physical body he is fairly conversant with, but what of the soul and spirit? Of these two mankind knows little indeed. What he does not realize is that he is a spirit, first, last, and always. The physical body is merely a vehicle for his spirit body upon his journey through his earthly life.
The mind belongs to the spirit body. Every human experience, every thought, word, and deed, that go to make up the sum of earthly human experience is infallibly and ineradicably recorded upon what is called the subconscious mind through the agency of the physical brain, and when the time comes for man to leave the earth, he discards the physical body for ever, leaves it behind him upon the earth, and passes into the realms of the spirit world. His spirit body he will find is a counterpart of the earthly body he has just left behind him. He will then find that what he called the subconscious mind when he was incarnate has now assumed its rightful place in his new scheme of existence. And it is not long before it begins to show its particular attributes to its owner. By its principal ability of ineffaceable and infallible recording, this mind reveals itself as a complete and perfect chronicle of its owner's life upon earth. The revelations, therefore, that are attendant upon the person newly arrived in the spirit world can be sufficiently startling.
The spirit body exactly coincides with the physical body, and during waking hours the two are inseparable. When sleep takes place the spirit body withdraws from the physical body, but the former is attached to the latter by a magnetic cord. I call it a magnetic cord for want of a better name. It is a veritable life line. Its elasticity is enormous, since the spirit body can travel either throughout the earth during sleeping hours, or throughout the spirit world subject to special conditions and limitations.
Just so long as the magnetic cord is joined to the earthly body, just so long will earthly life remain in the physical body. But the moment that dissolution takes place the life-line is severed, the spirit is free to live in its own element, while the physical body will decay in the manner which is perfectly familiar to you upon earth. The death of the physical body, then, is simply the severance of the magnetic cord. And now, what happens next? Just this: the person who has just passed into spirit lands goes to his own self-appointed place.
The physical body is animated, is kept alive, by the soul of man, to put it at its simplest; which itself possesses a spirit body through which it functions and lives. The spirit body, with all its constituents, uses the physical body through which to manifest itself while upon its earthly sojourn. The two are securely, but not inseparably, joined together by a magnetic cord, a life line, so to speak, along which, as the current in an electric cable, there passes the force which provides life to the physical body. Just so long as the magnetic cord is attached to the spirit body, then just so long will the physical body retain life in it. Just so long as the spirit body remains within the physical body, just so long will the physical body retain normal consciousness.
When ordinary sleep overtakes the physical body it is because the spirit body has temporarily withdrawn itself. The needs of the physical body include the necessity for a certain amount of sleep. It has to be recharged; the energy which has been consumed during the day's work has to be replaced. Though the amount of sleep required varies with individuals, some sleep, however small the quantity, is essential. This withdrawal of the spirit body during slumber is a natural process common to everyone, but what is more to our present purpose, the whole experience of sleep, regarded as a process, is closely akin to what is known to you upon earth as 'death.'
There is a difference, and, of course, you will say, a vital difference! It literally is vital, as far as the physical body is concerned. The difference, then, between sleep and 'death' is that in sleep the spirit body returns to its physical covering, and induces a return, or partial return, of physical consciousness, but at 'death' the spirit body relinquishes the physical body for ever. The magnetic cord becomes severed, the spirit of the individual, the real person, departs for its first self-appointed abode in the spirit world, while the physical body assumes all the unmistakable signs of its complete absence of animation, one of which is decomposition. No power, physical or spiritual, can revivify the corpse. It is dead, finally and completely.’
It is to be hoped that the above explanation from Monsignor Benson will bring comfort to those who fear that they will be completely extinguished after undergoing the natural process known as death. Unfortunately, this is a matter that many in our society are fearful about, indoctrinated into the materialistic fallacy of science, or the superstitious pronouncements of established religion.
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