The Second Coming of Jesus

We live in a materialistic society in which spiritual values are largely marginalised. This was not always the case. For example, in the Middle Ages religion was a matter of profound importance for both the state and the ordinary citizen. In the Victorian period there was a renewed interest in the Christian faith. But in western societies today relatively few people show much interest in spiritual matters, and this is particularly true in Britain.

Today there are two prevailing orthodoxies, both of them deeply flawed. Christianity, since time immemorial, has been hijacked by superstitious beliefs, but in its favour still accepts the spiritual nature of mankind. On the other hand, secular materialism, the predominant belief system amongst both the intelligentsia and ordinary people, regards humanity in entirely materialistic terms, and dismisses any claims of spirituality as superstitious or invoking the supernatural.

Secular materialism has permeated many people who nominally consider themselves Christian. They have come to believe that the afterlife is a delusional myth and that at death we are all extinguished. As a result many are in a state of anxiety due to the societal failure to challenge this pernicious doctrine. It is sadly the case that there is very little debate investigating reasoned alternatives to these two main orthodoxies in Western society.

A fundamentalist Christian website has complied a list of nearly 70 American churches ‘who identify themselves as Christian, and/or believe in some parts of Christianity’s Theology. These False churches (cults) use the Bible as their scriptural text, but it is misapplied.’ Two of the churches on the list are the Foundation Church of Divine Truth and the Church of the New Birth. Both are rightly described as sects since they are believed to be supported by only a relatively small number of followers.

For reasons that will be given later in full, fundamentalist Christians would be very surprised to discover that these two sects are the only churches in the world that follow the true teachings of Jesus during his ministry two thousand years ago in Judea and Galilee. Thus it follows that all Christian denominations, including the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, have since their inception been preaching doctrines that are distortions of the true teachings of Jesus.

According to Wikipedia ‘the ‘Second Coming’ is a Christian concept regarding the return of Jesus to Earth after his first coming and believed ascension to heaven about two thousand years ago. The belief is based on messianic prophecies found in the canonical gospels and is part of most Christian eschatologies’. Fundamentalist Christians implicitly believe that this event will occur at some time when Jesus in his glory and majesty will establish his Kingdom on Earth. This widely held belief is however a physical impossibility, and so cannot happen in this way. Strangely, not one fundamentalist Christian in a million appears to be aware that Jesus, in his own words, did in fact make his second coming over one hundred years ago.

This remarkable claim will be considered by the overwhelming majority of people as crazy nonsense promoted by a lunatic fringe. However, they should keep an open mind, since this is the only means of arriving at the truth. So the question that must be asked is - just how did Jesus make his second coming? Before answering this question it will be necessary to provide some background information about the human condition, which will explain the mechanism Jesus employed to achieve his second coming.

As outlined by Jesus (unless otherwise stated all comments credited to Jesus are from the time of his second coming) humans comprise three separate components. The first, recognised by everybody, is the physical body. Secular materialism and science declare that this is all there is. So consciousness and the mind are deemed to be generated by the brain. Any scientist questioning this orthodoxy is likely to face professional hostility for giving credence to superstition. However, in reality, if this belief was true then we would all be corpses, which is clearly not the case.

The question is rarely asked just how the brain manages to generate consciousness, the mind, the beating of the heart, the breathing of the lungs and all the other functions that make up a living person. So it must be concluded that secular materialism (and science) is wedded to an absurd doctrine, which moreover has no real evidence to back it up. Secular materialism fails to provide any credible answers to this conundrum and never will.

The second component of humans is the soul. Secular materialism dismisses this concept as invoking the supernatural, and so rejects the existence of the soul out of hand. In theory, Christian churches support the principle of the soul. Indeed their primary objective is often described as ‘saving souls’. However, the Christian concept of the soul is nebulous and hazy as well as confused. According to Christian thought there appears to be two avenues for the salvation of souls.

The first is the second coming of Jesus in his glory (also known as the Rapture) who will create his eternal Kingdom on Earth, to include all Christian believers who are then alive, along with resurrected believers. This viewpoint is clearly nonsensical as it is contrary to the most fundamental laws of physical and biological science, so of course it will never happen.

The second avenue involves an afterlife in which Christian believers are destined for a glorious life in Heaven basking in the eternal presence of God. Those who are not believers are destined for Hell, controlled by the fallen archangel Satan, where they will spend eternity in a fire that burns but never consumes. Catholics believe in an additional location, Purgatory where inhabitants need to be purged of their sins in order for them to be allowed into Heaven. These three locations are clearly not part of the Earth world so must exist in another dimension or location. Jesus advises that this scenario has some elements of reality, but has been heavily distorted.

There is some dispute about the nature of the human soul between that of Jesus and what he terms ‘Eastern Religion’, but both agree that the soul is the highest principle of humans, that it is non material comprising spirit, that it is permanent and is the defining feature of humans, meaning that the soul is the essence of our being. Thus we comprise souls who in our Earth life inhabit physical bodies which are finite and temporary.

The third component of humans, unacknowledged by both secular materialists and Christians, is the spirit body. This exists from when the soul enters into the foetus and remains attached by a cord to the physical body throughout the earth life of the individual. It cannot of course be seen but it can be felt through the phenomenon known by the medical term hypnagogic jerk. This is the sensation occasionally experienced by many people when they are drifting into sleep but suddenly awake with a jerk, and occurs when the spirit body returns to the physical body, although of course on the vast majority of occasions this occurs naturally when we awake without any physical sensation. It should be noted that medical websites admit that ‘there is little understanding what causes’ this phenomenon, although several speculative suggestions are made, which amount to nothing more than guesswork.

Thus sleep can be defined as when we transfer our consciousness from the physical body to the spirit body, still connected to the former by the invisible cord. When this cord breaks our earth life ends, our physical body starts to decay, and the soul and spirit body migrate to their new domain in the Spirit Realms surrounding and interpenetrating the Earth.

Jesus advises that each person’s place in these realms will be determined by the life they have lived while on Earth. Those who have lived an evil or selfish life will inhabit the dark regions, but the majority who have lived a typical average kind of life will inhabit the lower realms of light. Religious belief is wholly irrelevant to their ultimate destination. In the words of Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson (who has provided the most detailed revelations from the Spirit Realms) ‘no person or persons can assign to a single soul any other place in the spirit world than that which that soul has merited for himself. He cannot be saved through the intermediation of another, whoever that other may be’

So this is the explanation for the natural process known as death, which is the trigger for our entry into the afterlife. Christian churches believe in an afterlife but their concept is incoherent, unfocused and heavily influenced by superstition. Secular materialism wholly rejects the notion of an afterlife since it is reliant on a belief in the supernatural which is contrary to science.

Jesus from his elevated place in the spirit world can of course witness events on Earth, and for a very long time was troubled by the distortions of his teachings which had become deeply embedded in Christian doctrine. Over a century ago he concluded that the time was right to make an attempt to convey to humanity the erroneous beliefs the Christian churches were promoting, and he did so in the only way possible, via a medium.

The medium chosen was James E Padgett, a Washington DC lawyer, who first became interested in Spiritualism after the death of his wife in February 1914. At a spiritualist meeting he was informed by a medium that he had the gift of automatic writing, something of which he had hitherto been completely unaware. The first person to communicate through him by this method was his late wife Helen. He then began to receive messages from other deceased relatives, and then extraordinarily he began receiving communications from Jesus. At first he refused absolutely to believe that these were genuine and destroyed them. But he was eventually persuaded by his relatives that this was the genuine Jesus of the Bible. The first retained message from Jesus dates from September 1914. Until his death nine years later Mr Padgett received about 2500 messages from spirits, including well known biblical figures most notably several of the Apostles.

Mr Padgett was chosen by Jesus because the messages would not be distorted through the prism of the medium’s own thoughts or beliefs. In this regard it was a wise choice as the messages are a model of clarity in communicating the views of Jesus. In other regards the choice was not so good as Mr Padgett had health problems and financial worries, resulting in him becoming tired or distracted and thus unable to channel the messages at times.

Critics will argue that this is not the second coming of Jesus at all; it is Spiritualism – just a fake medium making it all up. This will be the view of secular materialists, since if there was an afterlife, their central dogma would collapse. Sadly, this will also be the conclusion of many traditional Christians who are fearful that there may not be an afterlife. More fundamentalist Christians are likely to conclude that the messages have been inspired by demons, seeking to undermine their faith. Both Christians and secular materialists demonstrate a visceral hostility to Spiritualism, largely motivated by the fear that if the claims made were true, their central beliefs would fall apart.

Largely forgotten today, the Church Of England carried out an investigation into Spiritualism in the 1930s. However, upon completion it was shelved, but the conclusion was originally ‘leaked’ from the Spirit World by Monsignor Benson as follows ‘The Church Of England held an inquiry into the whole subject of communication with the earth, ordered by no less a functionary than the Archbishop himself. They investigated very thoroughly and deliberated very carefully, and compiled a report of their findings. The majority were in favour, and declared that communication did in fact exist. The whole report was officially suppressed. There are people who say that if that report had been against us, it would have been published with a flourish of trumpets to help it on. The Archbishop who ordered the inquiry and then ordered the report to be suppressed, has since come to live here himself.’

The actual wording of that part of the report to back up this claim was ‘When every possible explanation of these [spirit] communications has been given, and all doubtful evidence set aside, it is generally agreed that there remains some element as yet unexplained. We think that it is probable that the hypothesis that they proceed in some cases from discarnate spirits is a true one.’

In an article from 2020 in Church Times on the report the following interesting observation was made. ‘The spirits described an afterlife, however, that did not fit with the Church’s teaching. It was inclusive and universal: everyone went to the same place. There was no hell, no judgement, and no eternal punishment. Rather, every spirit had the opportunity to ‘rise’ towards perfection, from whatever state or ‘sphere’ it arrived. The afterlife was an opportunity for growth, development, and progress.’

So returning to the messages through Mr Padgett how do we know that they are indeed from the Jesus of the Bible. Well it is impossible to be absolutely certain, just as it is impossible to be certain that the accounts given in the New Testament are an accurate reflection of the true teachings of Jesus, despite being accepted by billions of Christians throughout the centuries, undaunted by the scholarly evidence that large parts of the Gospels were written many years after the ministry of Jesus. The best approach to these messages is one of scepticism, but to be sufficiently open minded, and to employ reason and logic to test their quality and credibility.

After reading all the messages conveyed through Mr Padgett, and those through later mediums up until the present time, the conclusion this blog has reached is that they can only be genuine messages from Jesus. The reasons for this are that they clear up many of the less credible claims made in the Gospels, they are from an individual who has a deep understanding of the Jewish faith, and first hand knowledge of the conditions in Judea during the governorship of Pontius Pilate when Jesus undertook his ministry. The messages relating to religious concepts are conveyed in a very authoritative manner, demonstrating an elevated spiritual consciousness, and a capacity for subtle reasoning.

It is almost impossible that all of this could be fabricated even by the most scholarly, and sustained for a period of over one hundred years. In short, these messages from Jesus and others have the ring of truth about them, more so than the Gospel accounts about his life and mission, which have often lacked credibility. The reason for this is obvious; they can now communicate directly using their own words, rather than have them filtered through the emendations of many unknown authors.

So what are the main distortions of the teaching of Jesus which have infiltrated Christian doctrine? In order of importance they are that Jesus is not divine so does not form the second part of the Trinity and should not be worshipped as God; that he did not perform the role of a blood sacrifice on the cross to deliver eternal salvation for Christian believers; there was no Virgin Birth - his conception was through normal biological means; his body and blood are never present in the Christian celebration known as Holy Communion; that he did not establish a church but remained an adherent of the Jewish faith; and finally he did not perform the miracles ascribed to him, although he appears to have been an exceptional healer.

The biggest omission from the New Testament is the failure to reveal the central platform of the ministry of Jesus. This was his advocacy of the New Birth for humans, whereby through devout prayer and love of God their souls would be opened up to the divine inflow of God’s love, thus ensuring their certain immortality at a divine level rather than a less certain immortality at a human level.

With regard to the Biblical and Christian claims of the divinity of Jesus, these are dismissed by Jesus himself thus ‘I was not God and never claimed to be. The worship of me as a God is blasphemous and I did not teach it. Such worship is all wrong and is very distasteful to me, and only makes me the more anxious and determined that this great falsehood shall be exposed and not believed in any longer. The Trinity is a mistake of the writers of the Bible. There is no Trinity - only one God, the Father. He is one and alone. As to my sitting on the right hand of His Throne, that is not true. I did not proclaim myself to be God, neither did I permit any of my disciples to believe that I was God.’

On the subject of dying on the cross for the salvation of mankind Jesus states ‘when it is said, that from the beginning the Father had foreordained my death on the cross that man might be redeemed from the penalties of sin in all men who lived thereafter, are all wrong and have no foundation as facts. The sayings in the Epistles and in the Gospels and in Revelation to the effect that my blood saves from sin, were erroneous, and my disciples never wrote that false doctrine, for I repeat here, what I have before written you, that my blood has nothing to do with the redemption of mankind from sin, nor has my blood any effect in uniting man to God or making them one with Him. I know that the Bible iterates and reiterates the statement that I am God, and that my blood saves from sin and that I am a propitiation for mankind, but nevertheless, the Bible is all wrong, and these false doctrines must be corrected and men taught the true plan of salvation.’

With reference to Biblical claims about the Virgin Birth Jesus rejects this saying ‘I was born as you were born. I was the son of Mary and Joseph, and not born of the Holy Spirit as it is written in the Bible. I was only a human being as regards my birth and physical existence. The account in the New Testament is not true, and was written by those who knew not what they wrote. They have done the cause of God’s truths much injury. I was not conceived by the Holy Spirit, as it is taught by the preachers and teachers who are now leading mankind in the doctrines of the churches.’

The main platform of the ministry of Jesus while he lived on earth was to convey his message of the New Birth. Jesus summarised this as follows ‘No man can come to the Father’s Love, except he be born again. This is the great and fundamental Truth which men must learn and believe, for without this New Birth men cannot partake of the Divine Essence of God’s Love, which, when possessed by a man, makes him at one with the Father. This Love comes to man by the workings of the Holy Ghost, causing this love to flow into the heart and soul, and filling it, so that all sin and error, which tends to make them unhappy, must be eradicated. Let men turn their thoughts and aspirations to God, and in truth and sincerely pray to the Father for an inflowing into their souls of his Divine Love, and have faith, and they always find that the Father will bestow his love upon them, in accordance with the extent of their aspirations and longings.’

This shows that there is a wide gulf between the salvation promoted by the Christian churches, and the salvation taught by Jesus during his ministry on earth, which he has repeated and confirmed in his Second Coming. Fundamentalist Christians believe that they will gain salvation by accepting Jesus as their Saviour, who as the Son of God, offered himself as a sacrifice on the cross for the salvation of mankind.

However, the salvation preached by Jesus is completely different; instead it is achieved by undergoing the New Birth, whereby immortality will be assured through the absorption of the Divine Essence into the soul, rather than relying on an uncertain immortality by remaining human in nature without the inflow of the Divine Essence.

This explanation from Jesus clears up the mystery as to why fundamentalist Christians refer to being ‘Born Again’ when they have accepted Jesus as their saviour. The phrase is definitely one expressed by Jesus during his ministry, but has been distorted beyond recognition by the Christian churches into one that has no basis in the teachings of Jesus.

Jesus did indeed die on the cross at Calvary but this had nothing whatsoever to do with God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. He was in reality executed ‘for blasphemy and iconoclastic teachings against the beliefs and doctrines of the Hebrew faith’ as explained by a member of the Jewish Sanhedrin that condemned Jesus. He justified his actions thus ‘I was without prejudice against Jesus as a man and, as I believed, a fanatic; and it was only because I was convinced that he was an assailer of, and dangerous to our religion and the welfare of my race that I consented to his death.’ He continued ‘we were confronted with what we believed to be the destructive and irreligious teachings of Jesus, and after making numerous efforts to suppress him by threats and persuasion without effect, we concluded that our absolute and indisputable duty to God demanded that he be removed from the sphere of his activity, even though such a result could only be accomplished by his death.’ He added ‘there was a sense of obligation that rested upon us to protect and keep whole the divine doctrines and teachings of our faith. Jesus stood in the position to us and to our religion of a breeder of sedition.’ So dying on the cross formed absolutely no part of the mission of Jesus on Earth, indeed it was a personal catastrophe as it very prematurely terminated his ministry.

So it is clear that the Christian churches have, for almost two millennia, been preaching doctrines that have virtually no relationship to the genuine teachings of Jesus, which makes it imperative that the true teachings of Jesus are revealed to mankind to set the record straight. In the words of Jesus ‘I will explain all the qualities of the soul and spirit so that mankind need no longer remain in darkness as to what my teachings mean and as to how very necessary it is that it shall understand and follow my teachings. My new revelation of the truths of the soul is what mankind needs at this time, and what men will be in condition to accept as the real truths of God’s love and of His laws. My coming to you (Mr Padgett) is really my Second Coming on earth, and the result of my coming in this way will satisfy and fulfil all the promises of the scriptures as to my Second Coming.’

Jesus is well aware that conveying the message of his Second Coming through a medium will be treated with much scepticism, which he acknowledges as follows ‘I know that it will be difficult to make men believe in communications that may come through mediums, and that the churches will antagonize the reception of such communications. I fully realize that when you shall publish my messages the great difficulty in their being accepted will be the doubts of the people as to their source.’

Jesus is however confident that ‘the testimony of the numerous writers will be so strong that the doubts will not be able to withstand the evidence of my being the writer of the messages. And when men read the same they will realize that the truths which they contain could only come from a higher source than mortal mind and that the hand of the Father is in them. We will have a great difficulty to have people believe that I wrote the messages, and that we will have to do everything possible to convince them of the truth of the source of the writings. But if this difficulty should appear almost insurmountable in the beginning, yet after a while, when men come to appreciate the inherent truth and importance of the messages, they will easily believe that I wrote them.’

Up to the present time the messages of Jesus in his second coming are still unknown to virtually all of mankind despite eighty years having elapsed since they were first published in book form. Unfortunately, they have been completely ignored by the media and the objections to their acceptance by mankind are formidable. Firstly, the vested interests of the Christian churches means that they will to do everything they can to maintain their erroneous doctrines which they invested so much in over innumerable centuries. A second hurdle is the hostility, almost hatred, of the intelligentsia and general public to Spiritualism, which is regarded by most of them as a delusional cult supported only by cranks and the credulous. The fact that virtually none of them have ever attended a demonstration of mediumship, or seriously investigated the subject, will not stop them clinging to their ignorant opinions.

So regrettably Jesus may have considerably underestimated the resistance his Second Coming messages will face in gaining general acceptance. We are currently faced with an unholy alliance (quite literally) between Christian superstition and secular materialism to suppress revelations about the afterlife, that prevents humanity becoming aware of their own immortality, and gaining the comfort to their wellbeing that this knowledge would bring.

The messages from Jesus given above are just a small part of the communications made through Mr Padgett and his successor mediums. There are many thousands more, not just from Jesus but also from his disciples, religious leaders and important historical figures. Not all support the doctrine of the New Birth, but they do provide an insight into the afterlife that awaits us all. There are also revelations about the early life of Jesus in Heliopolis and Nazareth, his relationship with his cousin John the Baptist, and the gradual dawning awareness of his supreme mission to mankind. These messages can be found in full at, then click on ‘The Padgett Messages in date order’ towards the end of the list.


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