Jesus refutes Christian churches salvation claims

The previous post outlined the change of opinion of Monsignor Benson regarding salvation when he entered the spirit world. Jesus himself, during his ministry on earth, never proclaimed that he died on the cross for the salvation of mankind from their sins. Here he explains in detail the errors of the Christian churches on this matter.

‘The Christian churches, of course, are mistaken when they talk about being saved by my blood, for my blood has nothing to do with their salvation, but as they have been taught this, I cannot expect that they will know the real Salvation which the Father has provided for them. Sometime they will know that only the Divine Love of the Father saves from sin and error, and that not any blood of mine or death on the cross can save them. But, notwithstanding this false belief, these people in their prayers actually aspire for the Love of God, and He knows the longings of their hearts and sends the Holy Ghost to fill them with this Divine Love which makes them become very close to the Father, and makes them happy. So, while, I don’t like the worship of me, yet the truth of God’s Love enters into their souls and they become at-one with Him to the extent that such Love enters their souls

Of course Christians sing and proclaim that my blood saves them from sin, but this is merely the exercise of their mental conceptions, learned from the teachings and creeds of the churches. Well, the sayings in the Epistles and in the Gospels and in Revelation to the effect that my blood saves from sin, were erroneous, and my disciples never wrote that false doctrine, for I repeat here, what I have before written you, that my blood has nothing to do with the redemption of mankind from sin, nor has my blood any effect in uniting man to God or making them one with Him. The only thing that works this great result is the New Birth as I have explained it to you.

Yes, I know that the Bible iterates and reiterates the belief that my blood saves from sin and that I am a propitiation for mankind, but nevertheless, the Bible is all wrong, and these false doctrines must be corrected and men taught the true plan of salvation.

When I said “he that liveth and believeth on me shall never die” I meant that the man whose soul was not dead in sin and believed in the truths that I had disclosed, that is that God’s Divine Love was waiting to enter into and fill his soul with its essence and substance and that man by prayer and faith received that Divine Love, he should never die. That is he would become immortal as God is immortal. No mere belief in me as Jesus the man or as the son of God is sufficient to give a man eternal life.’

This makes clear that Jesus was never the Son of God and his death on the cross had nothing to do with providing salvation for mankind from their sins. Devout Christians are very comforted by this erroneous belief, but the reality is that their salvation will only be as a result of their own actions whilst on earth, and not their faith in Jesus as their saviour.


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