More information about new arrivals

Arthur Findlay in his book The Way of Life explains that ‘It is so natural to look upon the physical body as the person, because it is the only part of us which appeals to our physical senses. The part that does not influence our senses, the invisible part, we do not appreciate. The invisible part of us leaves the physical body at death, to start a new life in a different environment which is vibrating at a frequency in harmony with the duplicate etheric body. Consequently, the individual who has parted from his physical body finds himself in a body like the one he has just left, in a world he can appreciate. His mind can now respond to the higher vibrations, because it has a vehicle which is in harmony with its new surroundings. So, except for a new body, we are the same in looks and character as we were on earth, no better and no worse’.

One person in spirit describes the transition as ‘death is not an end but the beginning. It is a triumphal march to the spirit side of life’. Another, a former clergyman, revealed ‘for those who have lost, or think they have lost, dear ones’ should be made aware ‘that their dear ones have just passed the borderline of life, and gone to a far happier world’.

Arthur Findlay explains further ‘death, or reaching the etheric world, is not the crossing of wide spaces, but is a change in the appreciation of the vibrations in which we live. Our etheric body responds to a higher frequency of the vibrations which are all around us. Our surroundings at first are so alike this earth that some find it difficult to appreciate that they have passed from earth, until they meet their friends who had made the change before them. Thus they come to realise the fact that death is an experience which no one need fear, as it is painless and like going to sleep, to awaken in a new body in a beautiful country where their friends are waiting to welcome them’.


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