
Showing posts from March, 2023

Further evidence for the spirit body

Both Arthur Findlay, who has written several books about spiritualism, and Yogi Ramacharaka, the author of the course on Yogi Philosophy, have provided further evidence for the existence of the spirit body. Arthur Findlay’s book The Way of Life provides numerous reports from inhabitants of the spirit world about their way of life. They are taken from demonstrations of mediumship by the direct voice medium, John Sloan over a period of forty years. Sloan was a brilliant medium who offered his mediumistic gifts without payment. Arthur Findlay describes him as possessing ‘intelligence and general knowledge of an average artisan, a man of high character who was indifferent to money’. Throughout his book Findlay refers to the spirit body as the etheric body. The first inhabitant of the spirit world describes his body thus ‘I have a body which is a duplicate of what I had on earth, the same hands, legs and feet and they move the same as yours do. This etheric body I had on ear

Jesus confirms the existence of the spirit body.

Jesus in his second coming messages confirms the existence of the spirit body which both religion and science deny. He explains that the spirit body is what our soul inhabits after the transition known as death when we emerge into our new life in the spirit world. He stresses that it is indestructible and acts as a perfect vehicle for the senses no matter how impaired the physical body was during the earth life. A knowledge of the nature of the spirit body is important as it provides the mechanism whereby we are able to transfer our real self into the spirits lands and so begin the afterlife. This is what Jesus had to say about the role of the spirit body:- “The spirit part of man is that part which contains what may be called the functions of life and the force and power existing in him and which immediately control him in his conduct and living. This real, existing principle of life, unlike the body, never dies, but continues to live after the spirit drops its envelope o

Monsignor Benson explains the role of the spirit body.

Both science and religion deny the existence of the spirit body. However, the effect of this denial is zero since the reality of the existence of the spirit body will be wholly unaffected. It is a fact that all humans possess a spirit body, which has an existence separate from the physical body which all of us are familiar with. The spirit body is the mechanism whereby we can reach the spirit realms, and it is what we occupy when we are asleep. Monsignor Benson from the spirit world has provided a detailed account of the role of the spirit body as follows:- “The average person does not know of what he himself is composed. He knows he has a physical body, of course. There are not many who can easily forget it! But leaving the earth in the common act of 'dying' is a perfectly natural and normal process, which has been going on continuously, without intermission, for thousands upon thousands of earthly years. It is commonly understood that man is compose

Monsignor Benson’s earth life

Robert Hugh Benson has provided the most detailed account of life in the Spirit World. During his earth life he was a clergyman in both the Church of England and Roman Catholic Church, and his father held the office of Archbishop of Canterbury. He was also well known as the author of several novels one of which The Necromancers caused him some anguish when he arrived in Spirit. This is a summary of what that book is about ‘Following the death of his fiancée, Laurie Baxter becomes consumed by an obsession with the supernatural. Attempting to reach his deceased bride, he attends rituals and séances, delving ever deeper into the dark embrace of the occult. But instead of reconnecting with his lost love, Laurie is brought into contact with forces far more sinister. Written by a Catholic priest, The Necromancers is a chilling warning against dabbling in the dark arts’. Monsignor Benson also wrote a pamphlet defending the Catholic Church’s warnings about the dangers of Spir

The Second Coming of Jesus

We live in a materialistic society in which spiritual values are largely marginalised. This was not always the case. For example, in the Middle Ages religion was a matter of profound importance for both the state and the ordinary citizen. In the Victorian period there was a renewed interest in the Christian faith. But in western societies today relatively few people show much interest in spiritual matters, and this is particularly true in Britain. Today there are two prevailing orthodoxies, both of them deeply flawed. Christianity, since time immemorial, has been hijacked by superstitious beliefs, but in its favour still accepts the spiritual nature of mankind. On the other hand, secular materialism, the predominant belief system amongst both the intelligentsia and ordinary people, regards humanity in entirely materialistic terms, and dismisses any claims of spirituality as superstitious or invoking the supernatural. Secular materialism has permeated many people who nomina

Some Spiritualist truths

As a result of the coronavirus pandemic the activities of the Grim Reaper have come under the spotlight in a big way. Many people appear surprised at just how high the death rate in Britain is every day, even before the increase in numbers caused by the virus. Traditionally death has mostly been a taboo subject in our society, which probably stems from a fear and reluctance by most people to contemplate the inescapable fate which all of us will have to face one day. Over the centuries people have been ill served by the Christian churches on this matter, and also in more recent times by the disciples of Dawkinism, who promote the delusional but supposedly rational doctrine of materialism, a subject briefly dismissed in the previous post. So the question to be asked is whether it is possible to uncover the mysteries of death in a way that is credible. What follows is a personal account of one individual who embraced the truth of spiritualism. ‘I was born and brought up in